google ads course in hyderabad

google ads course in hyderabad

Course Features

  • Course Duration:
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  • Students: 0
  • Certificate: No
  • Location:
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  • Lesson: 0
  • Viewers: 6771
  • Prerequisites: No
  • Skill Level:
  • Course Capacity: 50
  • Start Course:


Want to learn a google ads course to create ads and run profitable Google search ads?

I don't just talk; I walk and live it too. In this google ads course training, you'll be able to watch me demonstrate my process for setting up and running profitable Google ads in real time.

I'm not just going to tell you the theory and then leave it up to you to figure it out; I'll show you how to apply what I'm teaching. 

Making the course and everything you learn google ads basics to an advanced level with practical application for those who wish to do so.

This stuff is super powerful.

This google ads course will teach you about search engine marketing (SEM). You will learn the necessary steps to improve your website's top ranking in search engine ads, develop SEM strategies, pay-per-click advertising, and increase your search engine marketing ROI.

Additionally, I will give you access to the spreadsheets I use at my agency, so everything is at your fingertips.

With this Google Ads training, you will learn the following:

  • Using SEMrush and Optmyzr to automate optimization tasks and perform better analyses 
  • Learn How To Write Killer Ads That Generate Clicks
  • Learn About Bidding Strategies
  • Learn Everything You Need To Know About Quality Score
  • Become A Master With Ad Extensions
  • How To Set Up and Track Conversions
  • A guide to optimizing your campaigns based on demographics, location, and device data
  • Last but not least, we'll use Remarketing on Google Ads, which has become one of the most powerful tools today in digital marketing, and you can start using it today.
  • Learn how to advertise your business online and become certified in Google Ads using the Google Ads course

Learn everything you need to know about setting up, implementing, and managing a successful Google AdWords campaign.

Even if you don't have a website or landing page, you should take this AdWords course to learn pay-per-click advertising.

You can download tons of resources throughout the course, plus there are many bonus tips and tricks you can use.

Fact: For every $1 spent on Google AdWords, the average business generates $2 in revenue.

Let's make sure you're one of those businesses.


In this course, we'll teach you the ins and outs of Google Ads as if you had never heard of them before! Our google ads course will take you to the next level, no matter how much experience you have with Google Ads.


In this course, we'll teach you the ins and outs of Google Ads as if you had never heard of them before! Our google ads course will take you to the next level, no matter how much experience you have with Google Ads.

What is the purpose of this Google Ads Training? 

  • People who Want to Become A PPC, Freelancers
  • Owners of e-commerce stores looking to scale
  • Owners of agencies interested in offering their clients Google Ads
  • Google Ads for Business Owners
  • Anyone who struggles to get traffic and sales
  • For Those Looking To Get Into Google Ads
  • Those looking for jobs at marketing agencies


  1. Build & Launch Search, Shopping, Display, Discovery & YouTube Campaigns Using Our 'Refined' Best Practices
  2. How To Test & Optimize Campaigns To Make More $$$
  3. Crush Marketing Interviews With Your New Expert Knowledge
  4. And Lastly, Watch Your Ad On Google Search & YouTube 😉

About Google Ads certifications: 

Do you want to grow your digital marketing career? Or perhaps, you're dreaming of adding a shiny new accolade to your CV? If you wish to do either of those things, Google ads Certification is a must-have, especially if you're a digital marketer, SEM specialist, or web analytics specialist. I will teach you how to pass your Google Ads Exam because I know the Google Ads Exam inside and out.

Individuals can earn Google Ads certifications to demonstrate their expertise in online advertising. Showcase your mastery of Google Ads by getting certified in Search, Display, Video, Shopping Ads, Apps, and Measurement.

For those who don't have time to take the Exam or are too busy, we can take and pass it on their behalf. On your behalf, we will take the Exam. This Quiz will allow you to have all the answers to your questions in the six exams.

This course contains practice tests for the below-mentioned Google Academy for Ads Exams:

  • Google Ads Search Certification
  • Google Ads Display Certification
  • Google Ads Video Certification
  • Google Shopping Certification
  • Google Ads Apps Certification
  • Google Ads Measurements Certification

Our digital marketing course in Hyderabad Ameerpet is easy to understand. In addition to digital marketing strategies, we teach digital agency management, social media marketing, SEO, content marketing, PPC advertising, email marketing, web analytics, and search engine marketing.

Topics Covered:

Session 01: Introduction to Adword
  • Introduction
  • Paid vs. Organic Search
  • How Google Adword Works
  • Google Adwords Updates
  • AdWords Formulae's
Session 02: Google AdWord Overview
  • Google Adwords Interface
  • Search Partners Network
  • Geo Targeting
  • Bid Strategy
  • Google Ad Extensions
  • Google AdWords Advanced Settings
  • Remarketing
  • Link Adwords and Analytics
  • Install conversional Tracking Code
  • Install Remarketing Tracking Code
  • Google's Adword Rules
Session 03: Keyword Research
  • What is SEM Keywords
  • Importance of Keywords
  • Keyword Strategy
  • Keyword Match Types
  • Best Practices for Keywords
  • Setting Your Budget
  • Adding Amount To The Adword Account
  • Know About Adword Tracking URL
  • Task Assigned on Keyword Research
Session 04: Budgeting
  • Setup Your Payment Method
  • Update Your Billing Information
  • Free Advertising Credits
Session 05: Types of Campaigning's
  • Search Campaigning
  • Display Campaigning
  • Video Campaigning
  • Apps Campaigning
  • Product Based Campaigning
  • Maps Campaigning
  • Remarketing Campaign
Session 06: Search Campaigning
  • What is Search Campaigning
  • How Search Campaigning Works
  • Features of Search Campaigning
  • How To Create Your First Search Campaign
  • How To Setup Targeting Groups
  • Using Negative Targets
  • Copying Campaigns, Ads & Targeting Groups
  • Measuring Ad Performance
  • Tips for Optimizing Search Ad Campaigning
  • Generating Reports
Session 07: Display Campaigning
  • Introduction To Display Campaigning
  • How Display Campaigning Works
  • How ads work on Google partner sites
  • How Gmail ads work
  • Types of Display Ads
  • Advanced Display Planner features
  • Setting up a Display Campaign
  • Ad groups and targeting
  • Static image ads
  • Copying Campaigns, Ads & Targeting Groups
  • Measuring Ad Performance
  • Tips for Optimizing Display Campaigning
  • Generating Reports
Session 08: Video Campaigning
  • Introduction To Video Campaigning
  • How YouTube Ads Works
  • Types of Video Formats
  • Linking your YouTube Channel to Your Adword Account
  • How To Create Your First Campaign
  • Bumper ads
  • Targeted Location
  • Starting with ad groups
  • Importance of ad headline and description
  • Setting CPV/CPE/CPM
  • Targeting demographics
  • Choosing interests and topics
  • Choosing keywords
  • Measuring Ad Performance
  • Tips for Optimizing Video Ad Campaigning
  • Generating Reports
Session 09: Universal Apps Campaigning
  • Introduction To Apps Campaigning
  • Types of App Promotions
  • When to use Paid Advertising for App Marketing
  • Always Test Before You Advertise
  • Which Platform to Advertise on?
  • How Much Does it Cost?
  • How To Create Your First Campaign
  • Measuring Ad Performance
  • Tips for Optimizing Apps Ad Campaigning
  • Generating Reports
  • Free Tool to Monitor Your App Reviews
Session 10: Adword Express Campaigning
  • Introduction To Adword Express
  • Types of Ads
  • Create Adword Express Campaign
  • Measuring Ad Performance
  • Tips for Optimizing Maps Campaigning
  • Generating Reports
Session 11: Adword Shopping Campaigning
  • Introduction To Shopping Campaigning
  • Importance of MCC
  • How To use My Client Centre (MCC)
  • Import products into Google Merchant Centre
  • Create a Shopping Campaign
  • Create ad groups in dynamic ad campaigns
  • Add automatic targets
  • Advantages and key points of dynamic campaigns
  • Measuring Ad Performance
  • Generating Reports
Session 12: Reports & Management
  • Importance of Filters, Labels & Dimensions
  • Optimizing Keywords according to Campaigning
  • Analysing Ad Extensions, Ads, Ad groups
  • Daily, Weekly & Monthly Audit Reporting
Session 13: Free Resource
  • SEM Quotation for Client
  • How To Apply Google Adword Exam
  • Spy on Your Competitors Ads using these tools